Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Something Nice

Have you ever had someone in your life that you know you just can't live without? It doesn't have to be Mother or anyone in particular. Just someone who brightens your day the second you see them, or hear their voice.

I'll tell you a little about my "someone." He is so sweet and cute, and does these things that he thinks are just run-of-the-mill, but which are really quite endearing. He thinks so little of himself, but I think so much of him. We might fight and we might fuss sometimes, but we both know it's not a reflection of how we really feel about one another. I hope he is reading this, and I hope it makes him feel better, because he's been having a rough go of it lately. :) Hopefully he will get the message-I love, love, LOVE him!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this is someone special that you know that really appreciates the message you wrote.....actually, I am the one it is fore! lol. man that was the sweetest thing I have ever readed and i think that you are the nicest person ever!!! i know that i have been having a bad time lately, but you are the only thing in the entire world that makes it all better. i swear to god. i am so glad that you are my baby girl, and i cant even imagine how it wouldve been if i would have never met you. so here is to you "lola" i love you!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the nice comment. love you! bye!
    ps- i never wouldve thought that the stuff i say and try to do for you would mean so much to you. well, i guess you can say that we both mean so much to eachother. Thanks teddy.
