Well, it has been a while. I have read a book that makes me mad and I am reading one that I actually like now. I'll tell you about the one that makes me mad. Everyone seems to find it more Intriguing and Interesting and Deliciously Scandalous! if you accentuate the negative and then give a very hodge-podge attempt to accentuate the positive afterward just so that you feel this much ----------- better about yourself, when in reality you have made yourself this much - better.
Now, about the book.
The Giver, by Lois Lowry.
Very aggravating to read. You want to seize the characters from their comfortable, little compressed and dried tree pulp and ink homes and SHAKE them. They are so stupidly satisfied with their pathetic lives which are supposed to be "perfect" that it is absolutely MADDENING. They kill babies. They kill old people. They kill people who break a few petty rules. They look the same. They dress the same. They eat the same food. The "couples" do not actually kiss or engage in any physically intimate relations whatsoever. They do not actually have their own kids. Their hormones are stifled out at an early age so that they become virtually asexual. There is more, but I am running short on time, so I can't write it. Not to say that it is a bad book, though. It has a good ending, at least. And that's what matters, right? If you have a good journey, only to end it by falling in a pit of fire with evil dragons and all that, then it just sucks. If you have a bad journey, then end it by meeting that special someone, winning a million dollars and all that, then good, very, very good. Awesome, even.
Well, that's about it. Yay. Have a nice day. :) Get all seventies on that, man. haha
*If you don't get that, then look up on Google the origin of the "Have a nice day [insert smiley face]" thing.