Oy vey hooray. Yippie. Booyah. Woo. I am so tired. Who knew that reading, sewing, cooking for one, talking about hypocrasy and evil parents could make one so tired?I didn't. But, of course, I should know better. Everything makes me tired. I sleep 13hours sometimes, and still I feel as if I could sleep ten more. I guess I could do something a little different with this post. If you are sick of sounding boring, using words that are so common in our lexicon that you could just vomit, then this is the post for you. I'm going to get out an actual, tangible, dictionary. NOT an online dictionary. You may say this is stupid and unnecessary, but I find that doing some things the old-fashioned way is quite refreshing. I'll put some interesting words on here and you can use them if you like, or just read them, and discard them as soon as you obtain them.
exponible-(adj.) needing to be explained.
idyllic-(adj.) pleasing and simple, pastoral or picturesque.
langour-(n.) a lack of viguor or vitality, weakness.
nascience-(n.) ignorance.
pudency-(adj.) modesty, embarassed, bashfulness.